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My first application

Jupyter notebook

The goal here is to launch a web microservice application to run Python Notebooks:

  • Get the jupyter/minimal-notebook image which is based on Ubuntu (you can also use a more complete but much heavier image like the jupyter/scipy-notebook):
docker pull jupyter/minimal-notebook:lab-3.6.3

If the tag (here lab-3.6.3) is omitted, the downloaded image will be the one with the default tag: latest; in this case there is no need to specify it in the docker run command.

  • Run the image in detached mode (option: -d) and with network port publishing (container/host port mapping; option -p port_of_the_host:port_inside_container):
docker run -d --name myjupyter -p jupyter/minimal-notebook:lab-3.6.3
docker ps


For security concerns, especially for laptop connnected on public network, it is important to limit the connections to localhost by adding the in front of the mapping port 8888:8888.

  • Read the standard (STDOUT) and error (STDERR) output (docker logs command):
 docker logs myjupyter
 docker logs myjupyter 2>&1 | grep "" | tail -n1

Connect to the notebook by cliking on the link given by the last command, open a terminal and try:

(base) jovyan@495f0be775ce:~$ curl -L
  • Install the curl command in the container by logging as root in the container (docker exec command):
user@host : docker exec -it --user root myjupyter bash
(base) root@495f0be775ce:~# apt-get update
(base) root@495f0be775ce:~# apt-get install curl
  • Run the python programs in the example above: go to the notebook webpage, open a terminal and then retry the command:
(base) jovyan@495f0be775ce:~$ curl -L -o
(base) jovyan@495f0be775ce:~$ curl -L -o
(base) jovyan@495f0be775ce:~$ python
(base) jovyan@495f0be775ce:~$ pip install numpy matplotlib
(base) jovyan@495f0be775ce:~$ python

Manage the microservice

The container can be turned off with:

docker container stop myjupyter

In the same manner, it can be started (restarted) by replacing stop with start (restart), but the identification token will be renewed:

docker container start myjupyter
docker logs myjupyter 2>&1 | grep "" | tail -n1

By adding the option --restart always to the docker run command, the container is always restarted if it is stopped. If it is manually stopped, it is restarted only when Docker daemon restarts or the container itself is manually restarted. It can be interested for a permanent use:

docker run -d --restart always \
           -v /some/path/on/host/:/home/jovyan/work \
           -p \


Note that the binding will not work correctly if your uid is not 1000. The jupyter notebook container supports some options passed as environment variables via the -e option. For instance to launch a notebook with the entire home directory mounted inside the container:

docker run -d --restart always --name myjupyter --user root \
           -v $HOME:/home/<username> -p \
           -e NB_USER=$USER -e NB_UID=$(id -u) \
           -e NB_GID=$(id -g) -e NB_GROUP=$(id -ng) \


Add then to your .bashrc file:

 alias jupyter="docker start myjupyter && docker logs myjupyter 2>&1 | grep "" | tail -n1"